作者: 发布时间:2018-11-19
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hxhgxy.lcu.edu.cn |
EMAIL/ zhaochangqiu@lcu.edu.cn |
科研方向/有机化学,不对称合成化学 |
《有机金属化学》(研究生课程) 《现代合成化学》(研究生课程) 教育经历 1984年本科毕业于山东师范大学化学系,1989年毕业于原杭州大学化学系并获硕士学位,后在原聊城师范学院工作。1993-96年在浙江大学攻读博士学位,从事金属有机化学、有机杂原子化学的研究,1996-98年在南开大学进行博士后研究工作。1998-2001年,在日本物质工学工业技术研究所担任STA研究员,从事有机磷化学的研究工作,2001年至2003年在加拿大西安大略大学做博士后,从事含磷配体的设计合成以及相关配合物超分子化学的研究工作,2003年回到日本产业技术综合研究所,担任特别研究员,继续从事有机磷化学的研究,2007年进入聊城大学化学系工作。 科研项目 碳磷多手性叔膦化合物的合成、应用及不对称诱导作用机理研究(山东省自然科学基金面上项目) 不对称磷氢化反应及相关手性含磷化合物的制备方法研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目) 获奖情况 论著一览 1. T. Chen, C.-Q. Zhao, L.-B. Han, Hydrophosphorylation of Alkynes Catalyzed by Palladium: Generality and Mechanism, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, in press. 2. L.-J. Liu, W.-M. Wang, L. Yao, F.-J. Meng, Y.-M. Sun, H. Xu, Z.-Y. Xu, Q. Li, C.-Q. Zhao* and L.-B. Han, Reinvestigation of the Substitutions Reaction of Stereogenic Phosphoryl Compounds: Stereochemistry, Mechanism and Applications, J. Org. Chem., 2017, 82, in press. 3. Jing-Jing Ye, Shao-Zhen Nie, Ji-Ping Wang, Jing-Hong Wen, Yu Zhang, Mao-Ran Qiu, and Chang-QiuZhao*Nucleophilic Substitution of P-Stereogenic Chlorophosphines: The Mechanism, Stereochemistry and Stereoselective Conversions of Diastereomeric Secondary Phosphine Oxides to Tertiary Phosphines, Org. Lett., 2017, 19 (19), 5384–5387. 4. Shao-Zhen Nie†, Zhong-Yang Zhou†, Ji-Ping Wang, Hui Yan, Jing-Hong Wen, Jing-Jing Ye, Yun-Yao Cui, and Chang-Qiu Zhao* Non-epimerizing Alkylation of H-P Species to Stereospecifically Generate P-Stereogenic Phosphine Oxides: A Shortcut to Bidentate Tertiary Phosphine Ligands, J. Org. Chem., 2017, 82 (18), 9425–9434. 5. Ji-Ping Wang, Shao-Zhen Nie, Zhong-Yang Zhou, Jing-Jing Ye, Jing-Hong Wen, and Chang-Qiu Zhao*Preparation of Optically Pure Tertiary Phosphine Oxides via the Addition of P‑Stereogenic Secondary Phosphine Oxide to Activated Alkenes, J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 7644−7653. 6. Meng Yang, Hao Xu, Zhong-Yang Zhou, He Zhang, Li-Juan Liu, Yong-Ming Sun, Shao-Zhen Nie, Chang-Qiu Zhao* Asymmetric induction in the addition of enantiomerically pure H-phosphinate to chiral aldimines: diastereoselective generation of a-amino phosphinates with P,C-stereogenic centers, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2016, 27, 815–822. 7. Wei-Min Wang, Li-Juan Liu, Lan Yao, Fan-Jie Meng, Yong-Ming Sun, Chang-Qiu Zhao*, Qing Xu, and Li-Biao Han, Stereospecific Preparations of P-Stereogenic Phosphonothioates and Phosphonoselenoates, J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 6843−6847. 8. Lan Yao, Li-Juan Liu, Zhong-Yuan Xu, Shao-Zhen Nie, Xiao-Qing Xiao and Chang-Qiu Zhao, Variable mechanism of nucleophilic substitution of P-stereogenic phosphoryl chloride with alkynyl metallic reagents, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 1702–1706. 9. Zhong-Yang Zhou, He Zhang, Lan Yao, Jing-Hong Wen, Shao-Zhen Nie, and Chang-Qiu Zhao* Double Asymmetric Induction During the Addition of (RP)-Menthyl Phenyl Phosphine Oxide to Chiral Aldimines,Chirality, 2016, 28, 132–135. 10. He Zhang, Meng Yang, Lan Yao, Si-Yu Ji, Zhong-Yuan Xu, Yong-Ming Sun, and Chang-Qiu Zhao* A Facile Synthesis of Novel Allenylphosphinates Containing Multi Potential Asymmetric Centers, J. Heterocyclic Chem., 2016, 54, 1155-1158. 11. H. Zhang, Y.-M. Sun, Y. Zhao, Z.-Y. Zhou, J.-P. Wang, N. Xin, S.-Z. Nie, C.-Q. Zhao* and L.-B. Han, One-Pot Process That Efficiently Generates Single Stereoisomers of 1,3-Bisphosphinylpropanes Having Five Chiral Centers,Org. Lett., 2015, 17, 142-145. 12. W.-M. Wang, L.-J. Liu, C.-Q. Zhao*, L.-B. Han Diastereoselective Hydrolysis of Asymmetric P–Cl Species and Synthesis of Optically Pure (RP)-(–)-Menthyl H-Phenylphosphinate, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2015, 2342–2345. 13. Y. Zhao, T. Chen, D. Han, C.-Q. Zhao*, L.-B. Han, Facile Base-Mediated Redox Transformation: An Efficient Strategy for the Synthesis of α-Acyloxyphosphoryl Compounds, Org. Lett., 2014, 16, 6152–6155. 14. Y.-M. Sun, N. Xin, Z.-Y. Xu, L.-J. Liu, F.-J. Meng, H. Zhang, B.-C. Fu, Q.-J. Liang, H.-X. Zheng, L.-J. Sun, C.-Q. Zhao*, L.-B. Han, Addition of optically pure H-phoshphinate to ketones: selectivity, stereochemistry and mechanism, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2014, 12, 9457–9465. 15. S.-Y. Ji, Y.-M. Sun, H. Zhang, Q.-G. Hou, C.-Q. Zhao* Phosphonium salt induced stereoselective allylic rearrangement during chlorination of α-hydroxyallylphosphinates, Tetrahedron Lett., 2014, 55, 5742-5744. 16. Y.-M. Sun, Z.-Y. Xu, L.-J. Liu, F.-J. Meng, H. Zhang, B.-C. Fu, L.-J. Sun, M.-J. Niu, S.-W. Gong, C.-Q. Zhao*, L.-B. Han, Preparation of enantiomerically pure a-hydroxyl phosphinates via hydrophosphorylation of aldehydes with H-phosphinate, Tetrahedron: Asy., 2014, 25, 1520–1526. 17. H. Zhang, Y.-M. Sun, L. Yao, S.-Y. Ji, C.-Q. Zhao*, L.-B. Han, Stereogenic Phosphorus-Induced Diastereoselective Formation of Chiral Carbon during Nucleophilic Addition of Chiral H–P Species to Aldehydes or Ketones, Chem. Asian J., 2014, 9, 1329−1333. 相关成果 |